Inuzid spray

Inuzid spray

Spray for animals

Herbal protection against grass mites, red bird mites, ticks, mosquitoes and fleas.

Dr. vet. Michael Kluge

Inuzid reliably keeps annoying parasites away from animals. Instead of the modified version of the ingredient pyrethrin, Inuzid uses an extract from feverfew. This does not enter the bloodstream and can therefore also be used for puppies and kittens from the 12th week of life. Easy to apply with the practical spray bottle, it can be sprayed directly onto the fur or used as an environmental spray for baskets, cars and stables.

Herbal extract from feverfew (Pyrethrum) The purified pyrethrum in Inuzid is obtained from feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium). Pyrethrins are neuromuscular toxins that penetrate the skin or cuticle into the nervous system of lower life forms as contact insecticides and cause paralysis and coordination disorders within a few minutes (knock-down effect). The insects' sodium channels open, which leads to a state of excitement and, if exposed for a longer period, to the death of the arthropods.

Sesame oil (Sesamum indicum oleum) The sesame oil in Inuzid supports the knock-down effect (immobilization of the parasites within a few minutes) and hinders the breathing of the insects.

Tannins Tannin is a plant-based preservative with antiviral and antibacterial properties.