Vesicat tablets

Vesicat tablets

Complementary feed for cats

  • Supports the urinary tract and bladder of cats.
  • Strengthens immune system function.
  • Promotes the functionality of the uroepithelium and the formation of the bladder mucosa.

Dr. med vet. Michael Kluge

Vesicat promotes long-term physiological function of the uroepithelium and the development of the mucous membranes of the bladder thanks to its special complex of ingredients. The Vitamin C in Vesicat helps to strengthen the immune system and has diuretic properties that contribute to the flushing of the urinary tract while melissa and L-tryptophan, two other Vesicat components, are known for their calming properties. Vesicat contains medicinal mushrooms which, among other things, support diuretic activity. The mushrooms have been finely ground using the so-called shell-broken process, which breaks down the cell walls. This optimizes the absorption of the nutrients the mushrooms contains so that the body can optimally utilize them.


Gewicht pro Tablette 1,5 g
Durchmesser 18 mm
Eigenschaft teilbar