

Supplementary feed for cats, dogs, calves and cattle.

To strengthen microorganisms in the intestine.

Dr. vet. Michael Kluge

The microbiome can be positively influenced by prebiotics, because prebiotics provide a good nutritional and growth basis for certain "desirable" bacterial strains in the large intestine. The proliferation of these strains means that undesirable (disease-causing) germs cannot spread any further and are displaced.

In contrast to probiotics, prebiotics are not living bacteria, but indigestible fiber. This is the only reason why they can pass through the stomach and small intestine "unhindered" and reach the large intestine. Feeding prebiotics is also a good way to support a diet: they regulate blood sugar levels because they make it more difficult to absorb usable carbohydrates. Bile acids and ammonia are also bound in the intestine and excreted more easily, which relieves the strain on the liver and kidneys