Bodyguards with cleaning jobs

04 August 2023 — by Katrin Rahn  

The kidneys and the bladder - an unbeatable team. The kidneys filter out waste and fluid from the blood and produce urine, which is stored in the urinary bladder until it can be excreted.

The kidneys are very important organs in the body. In humans they are about the size of a fist, in cats they are correspondingly smaller - about the size of an apricot. They function like a cleaning team, filtering toxins, fluid and waste products from the blood. In other words, a mini sewage treatment plant.

But wait a minute, how does it all work? Every day, waste products such as urea, uric acid or creatinine are formed by the body's own metabolism, and all of this is found in the blood. But also salts, such as common salt from food or the residues of medications. The kidneys collect the "dirty" blood that flows through the body and then separate the useful substances from the waste. The good ingredients, such as water, electrolytes and important nutrients, are sent back into the blood. The waste products are excreted in the form of urine. Pretty cool actually!

But the kidneys do more than just clean! They are also responsible for regulating blood pressure. They know how much fluid is in the body and decide how much needs to be kept. In this way, the kidneys ensure the blood pressure balance.

Kidneys are cleaning professionals and blood pressure regulators. What happens next?

You probably know the feeling when you suddenly have to go to the bathroom, right? Well, that's the work of the urinary bladder.

Think of the urinary bladder as a clever little balloon patiently waiting to be filled. When the kidneys have made the urine, it flows through the ureters into the urinary bladder – and the bladder fills up.

When the bladder is full, it sends a message to the brain that says, "Hey, it's toilet time!" And when that's done, the urinary bladder is happy and empty - at least for a while!

Some kidney and bladder facts:

  • The kidneys are located to the left and right of the spine, level with the lumbar region.
  • Kidneys filter out waste products, toxins and fluid from the blood.
  • Waste products, toxins and fluid become urine.
  • Urine flows through the ureters into the urinary bladder.
  • The urinary bladder is a flexible, muscular cavity. This is where urine is absorbed and stored.
  • When it has reached a certain level, the urinary bladder signals that it is time to empty it out.

High blood pressure - poison for the kidneys

A big problem, especially in old cats, is high blood pressure. The high pressure destroys the fine filters of the kidneys and the filtering effect from the blood no longer works. It's like a sieve with too big holes. Waste and toxins remain in the blood, poisoning the body from the inside.

Unfortunately, once kidney tissue is destroyed, it cannot be restored. But there is a way to support kidney function so that waste and toxins are bound and excreted through the gastrointestinal tract. Exciting, isn't it? And it can even be done herbally. Do you already know Renax?