When the bowel goes on strike: Constipation in cats and dogs

01 March 2024 — by Linn Masch  

Are your four-legged patients visibly struggling to defecate? Constipation is a common health problem in cats and dogs with a wide variety of causes. Below you can find out about the causes, symptoms and treatment options for constipation.

Constipation describes an irregular defecation with subsequent accumulation of hard, dry feces. It can develop from a blockage of the bowel without defecation. It is characterized by a degenerative change in the intestinal wall. There are, however, many possible causes of constipation, including dietary mishaps such as a low-fiber diet and the ingestion of bones or excessive amounts of hair. Mechanical obstruction can occur, for example, because of a pelvic fracture and the associated narrowing of the pelvis or an increase in circumference. Functional disorders of the nerve or muscle cells in the large intestine or spinal cord diseases such as cauda equina syndrome can also be triggers of neuromuscular diseases.

Metabolic diseases that can also be an underlying cause, including hypokalemia, hypercalcemia, hyperthyroidism and dehydration. In addition to these triggers, medication can also promote constipation. Anticholinergics, antihistamines, opioids and diuretics play a major role here. A lack of exercise, dirty or non-existent litter trays and increased stress can also cause constipation.

What can cause constipation?

  • Nutrition or diet
  • Medication
  • Mechanical obstructions
  • Metabolic diseases
  • Neuromuscular diseases
  • Endocrine diseases
  • External influences
  • Pain during defecation

How can I recognize constipation?

  • Difficult or painful defecation
  • Frequent straining
  • Restless behavior
  • Tense stomach/abdominal wall, abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Decreased defecation
  • Firm, hard, round rather than elongated ffeces
  • Faintness
  • Loss of appetite

Apart from a general examination, other exams can also be performed on the patient to make a definitive diagnosis. These include: a rectal examination, blood count, determination of thyroid levels (T4) and urinary status, X-rays or an ultrasound exam.

Constipation - and now what?

The treatment depends on the severity of the constipation. However, the first step is to treat the underlying disease, which may be followed by a change in diet, laxatives, infusions or enemas – depending on the findings of the examination.

Laxatives are substances or preparations that have a laxative effect. Lactulose, a hyperosmotic laxative, has the effect of softening the stool. The use of lactulose and the associated increased intraluminal osmotic pressure draws water into the intestinal lumen. This leads to an increase in volume and the associated increase in peristalsis. It also leads to acid-induced peristaltic stimulation due to fermentation to hydrogen and short-chain fatty acids in the colon. It is advisable to use a lactulose product without alcohol and preservatives, as both can have a negative effect on digestion. Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream via the gastrointestinal tract and places additional strain on the already stressed intestines. The alcohol is broken down in the liver, as a result of which other metabolic processes are slowed down and the alcohol puts a strain on the entire body. In addition, alcohol can cause the muscles to relax, which in turn leads to restricted or stagnant defecation.

Psyllium seeds are an example of fiber-forming laxatives. The seeds are often excreted whole and almost unchanged, which is why psyllium husks are preferred. These swell in the intestine and thus soften the faeces while at the same time positively stimulating intestinal contraction. Psyllium seeds can be used for mild constipation.

In the long term, in addition to treating the underlying disease, the best possible management of external influences with sufficient exercise and avoidance of stress is advisable. The administration of oral laxatives such as psyllium or lactulose and the administration of probiotics can contribute to a healthy digestive system.